Stephen Ministry – A Ministry of Presence and Care
The new Stephen Ministry divides caregiving into smaller, user-friendly roles. You can be on the Care Card Team, or the Friendly Visits Team, or be a classic Stephen Minister. A new class begins February 20 and orientation in next Sunday, February 16 after coffee hour.
Pastors will always be on the front lines of care, especially during times of crisis. But there are always many more needs for on-going care than pastors can effectively meet by themselves.
The Church of the Red Rocks has 14 gifted lay people who are trained to support and extend the care that our pastor continues to provide. They reach out with God’s love to people who are hurting – both congregation members and non-members alike. They are trained to provide confidential one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
Anyone in need may contact the Pastor or a Stephen Minister and ask for a Stephen Minister with whom to share their concerns and needs for care.
Click here for more information on: What is a Stephen Minister?